R.I.P Howell Binkley
“Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” Returns To The Top 40 On The Billboard Hot 100

Tommy DeVito - The Original Four Seasons - Passes Away

Tommy_Devito_and_SDH-COLLAGE (1)Tommy DeVito of The Four Seasons has passed away. 

To be totally honest, he was my favorite. 

I loved his story in the Jersey Boys, and how Christian Hoff played him in La Jolla, CA  at the La Jolla Playhouse, and then on Broadway. And Devin May's performance in Las Vegas was amazing.

I also really connected with him during the several times I had the distinct pleasure to be in his company. He was a gentleman, considerate, and passionate about caring for those closest to him.  

I consider my interview with him with my wife Christy to be a special moment in music and podcast history.

Rest in peace Mr. DeVito.

Here are some news sources reporting on Tommy's passing (some of the photos posted in these articles are awesome):



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