If you are interested in manually downloading older Jersey Boys
Podcasts there is a file naming convention that you can use to get them
downloaded using your standard web browser.
The individual MP3 audio files are all numbered in sequential order.
For instance the first podcast is "JBP-001-JerseyBoysPodcast.mp3". The
second podcast is "JBP-002-JerseyBoysPodcast.mp3". All you need to do
is increment 001 to 002 to 003 to whatever number you want up to the
most current podcast without getting an error.
You do this to the URL in the browser, so the complete link for the 1st podcast is:
The second podcast is:
Just change the digits and you will get them out of the archive. If
you have any problems, drop us an email to: [email protected].
We are working on an Archive reference page with an index to make this easier.
We also will have a future mailing list in the works that lets you know
when a new podcast has been posted, and a full download feed for iTunes
or your favorite podcatching client.