Jersey Boys Fan Tribute Party Pictures

Here are the Jersey Boys Podcast's Fan Tribute Party pictures (plus some others from the SF Tour Open Night):

You can read more about what happened at the great Fan Tribute Party over at JerseyBoysBlog.

JERSEY BOYS PODCAST #049 - Interview With Frankie Valli Plus Jersey Boys Tour & Broadway News

Listen! (Size: 13.9-MBs, Time: 30:13)

Christyfrankiedavidsep07 The Jersey Boys Podcast #049 (recorded on Oct. 5, 2007) has been released.  The show includes an interview with Frankie Valli discussing his new album "Romancing the 60's" and answering fan questions.  In addition, this show has the latest Jersey Boys Tour and Jersey Boys Broadway news.

Additional Jersey Boys related links mentioned in this show include:

The technical links that Steve mentioned included:

The following song samples were played during this show [thanks to Rhino Records]: